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dimanche 2 juin 2024



1. How 'West Side Story' Gave Romeo and Juliet a New Home in America


The musical play by Jerome Robbins and Leonard Bernstein opened 50 years ago this month in New York. First of two parts with songs from the original cast recording. Transcript of radio broadcast: 16 September 2007


VOICE ONE: Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.  I'm Steve Ember.


VOICE TWO: And I'm Shirley Griffith. 

Today and next week we bring you the story and songs from the American musical play "West Side Story."



VOICE ONE: "West Side Story" opened fifty years ago this month, in New York's Winter Garden Theater. It was an immediate hit and played there for almost two years. Since then, it has been performed in many other theaters in the United States and in other countries. And millions of people have seen the motion picture version released in nineteen sixty-one.

It is possible, however, to enjoy "West Side Story" without having seen the play or movie. For it is the music of composer Leonard Bernstein that is most famous.


VOICE TWO: Choreographer and director Jerome Robbins developed the idea for "West Side Story" about fifty-five years ago.

Most musicals of that time were not serious plays. They were written and performed purely for enjoyment. Robbins wanted to create a different kind of dance-musical. It would mix real social conflicts into a dream-like work of art. His idea was to make a modern American version of the great tragic play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.

In that play, two innocent teenagers, Romeo and Juliet, fall in love. But their powerful families are old, bitter enemies. They will not give up their hatred of each other. This leads to the deaths of several of their children, including Romeo and Juliet.

Jerome Robbins' idea was to make a musical play about the hatred between Americans of different cultures. He and Leonard Bernstein decided to base the play on the tensions caused by the immigration of Puerto Ricans to New York City.

Arthur Laurents wrote the words to the play. And Stephen Sondheim wrote the words to the songs.

Puerto Rico is an island commonwealth of the United States in the Caribbean. In the nineteen fifties, many Puerto Ricans were moving from their island to the west side of New York. They spoke Spanish. Their culture was different. Some native New Yorkers felt threatened by these new people in town.

The story takes place at the end of summer. We are introduced to two groups of teenagers. These two gangs are fighting for control of the streets. The local gang -- the "Jets" -- has long battled with the Puerto Rican gang -- the "Sharks." Now, the Jets want to push the Sharks out of their part of the city.


VOICE TWO: Our first song is sung by the actors who appeared in the first production of the play. In the song, the Jets declare that anyone who is a member of their gang -- a Jet -- is always a Jet. Loyalty to the gang is more important than anything else.



(Riff) When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette to your last dyin' day!
When you're a Jet, let 'em do what they can
You've got brothers around, you're a family man!
You're never alone, you're never disconnected, you're home with your own
When company's expected, you're well-protected!
Then you are set with a capital J
Which you'll never forget till they cart you away
When you're a Jet you stay a Jet
(Snowboy) When you're a Jet, you're a top cat in town
You're a gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown!
(Ice) When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing
Little boy, you're a man, little man, you're a king.
(All Jets) The Jets are in gear, our cylinders are clickin'
The Sharks'll steer clear, 'cause every Puerto Rican's a lousy chicken
Here come the Jets, like a bat out of hell
Someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well
Here come the Jets, little world, step aside
Better go underground, better run, better hide
We're drawin' the line, so keep your noses hidden
We're hangin' a sign, says: 'Visitors Forbidden'
And we ain't kiddin'
Here come the Jets, Yeah, and we're gonna beat
Every last buggin' gang on the whole buggin' street
On the whole...Buggin'...Ever...Lovin'...Street...Yeah


Tony is a past leader of the Jets. But he no longer believes much in the gang. He is beginning to imagine a life outside the gang's territory. In this song, Tony senses that something new and important is about to happen to him. The part of Tony is sung by Larry Kert.


Could be!...
Who knows?...
There's something due any day;
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannon-balling down thru the sky,
Gleam in its eye,
Bright as a rose!
Who knows?...
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree...
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!
Could it be? Yes it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!

VOICE ONE: Now, the action turns to the Puerto Rican gang, the Sharks. Bernardo is leader of the Sharks. His seventeen-year-old sister, Maria, has just arrived from Puerto Rico. She has been brought to New York to be married. Her family expects her to marry Chino, another member of the Sharks.

That night, there is a dance. Both the Jets and the Sharks attend.



VOICE TWO: The dance takes place at a neighborhood center -- neutral territory. The situation is tense, even threatening. The gangs dance in their own groups. Then the boy, Tony, and the girl, Maria, see each other across the room. They meet. They dance together. They are from enemy gangs, different cultures. Yet they know, immediately, that they want to be together.

Suddenly, Bernardo -- Maria's brother -- sees them. He is angry to see Maria talking with a member of the Jets. He sends her home.


Tony leaves, too. He tries to find where Maria lives. He sings as he walks.



The most beautiful sound I ever heard
All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word - Maria
I just met a girl named Maria, and suddenly that name
Will never be the same to me.
Maria - I just kissed a girl named Maria
And suddenly I found how wonderful a sound can be
Maria - say it loud and there's music playing
Say it soft and it's almost like praying - Maria
I'll never stop saying Maria, Maria, Maria...


Tony finds the apartment building where Maria lives with her family. He calls to her window. She comes out quietly to the metal fire escape. Maria can stay for only a few minutes. She and Tony declare their love for each other. Then she must hurry inside. Carol Lawrence sings the part of Maria.



(Maria) Only you, you're the only thing I'll see forever in my eyes, in my words and in everything I do, nothing else but you, ever
(Tony) And there's nothing for me but Maria, every sight that I see is Maria
(Maria) Tony, Tony
(Tony) Always you, every thought I'll ever know, everywhere I go you'll be
(Tony and Maria) All the world is only you and me


VOICE TWO: It is now very late at night. The Jets and Sharks are about to meet with members of their own gang to plan a big fight, a "rumble." The gang that loses the fight will be forced to leave the area to the winning gang.

The play has begun to move toward its tragic ending. That will be our program next week -- the final part of "West Side Story. " We close now with the song "Tonight," sung by Maria as she and Tony say goodnight.



(Maria) Tonight, tonight, it all began tonight, I saw you and the world went away
Tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight, what you are, what you do, what you say
(Tony) Today, all day I had the feeling a miracle would happen, I know now I was right
(Tony and Maria) For here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight
Tonight, tonight, the world is full of light with suns and moons all over the place
Tonight, tonight, the world is wild and bright, going mad shooting sparks into space
Today, the world was just an address, a place for me to live in, no better than all right
But here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight
Good night, good night, sleep well and when you dream, dream of me tonight.


VOICE ONE: Our program was produced by Caty Weaver. I'm Steve Ember.

VOICE TWO: And I'm Shirley Griffith. You can download archives of our programs at voaspecialenglish.com. Join us next week for THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.


2. West Side Story: Love, Hate and the Immigrant Experience

Second of two programs marking the 50th anniversary of the musical, set in 1950s New York. Transcript of radio broadcast: 23 September 2007

VOICE ONE: Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.  I'm Steve Ember.

VOICE TWO: And I'm Shirley Griffith.  Today we complete the story and songs from the American musical play "West Side Story."



VOICE ONE: Some of the greatest artists in American musical theater worked together to create "West Side Story" in nineteen fifty-seven. Choreographer and director Jerome Robbins, who developed the idea. Arthur Laurents, who wrote the play's words. And Stephen Sondheim, who wrote the words to the songs.

However, Leonard Bernstein -- who wrote the music -- usually is considered the main creator of "West Side Story. " Although the play is fifty years old this month, his music remains fresh today.


VOICE TWO: As we said last week, "West Side Story" is a story about young people in a poor part of New York City in the nineteen fifties. Two groups of teenagers fight each other for control of the streets.

Members of the local gang -- the "Jets" -- were born in New York. They hate the Spanish-speaking people who have begun to move to the city from Puerto Rico. The young Puerto Ricans, members of the "Sharks" gang, hate the Jets in return.

The Puerto Ricans have the mixed feelings of any group of immigrants. They are divided between loving their old home and being glad to have left its problems behind.

The song "America" makes fun of some things in their new land, even as it seems to praise it. The Puerto Rican girls joke that everything is free in America ... if you pay for it. Our music is from the original recording of the play.



VOICE ONE: Seventeen-year-old Maria is the sister of Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks. She has arrived recently from Puerto Rico. She is to marry Chino, another member of the Sharks. But at a dance, Maria falls in love with Tony, a former leader of the enemy gang, the Jets.

Maria and Tony hope the hatred between the gangs will ease. They no longer understand this hatred. But the Jets and Sharks are making plans for a big fight. The Jets want to push the Sharks out of their area.

The gangs agree to fight the next night. They will put the best fighter from the Sharks against the best fighter from the Jets. The winner, and his gang, will take all the street territory.


VOICE TWO: The next night, Maria is at home. She is getting dressed to meet Tony. She is very happy and excited. Carol Lawrence sings the part of Maria.



I Feel Pretty:


(Maria) I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay,
And I pity, any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming, oh so charming, it's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real
See the pretty girl in that mirror there? Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress, such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!
I feel stunning and entrancing, feel like running and dancing for joy
For I'm loved by a pretty wonderful boy
(Girls) Have you met my good friend Maria, the craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her, she's the one who is in an advanced state of shock
She thinks she's in love, she thinks she's in Spain
She isn't in love, she's merely insane
It must be the heat or some rare disease
Or too much to eat or maybe it's fleas
Keep away from her, send for Chino
This is not the Maria we know
Modest and pure, polite and refined
Well-bred and mature and out of her mind
Miss America, Miss America, speech!
Miss America, bravo, speech!
(Maria) I feel pretty, oh so pretty, that the city should give me its key
A committee should be organized to honor me
I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel fizzy and funny and fine
And so pretty Miss America can just resign
(Maria and Girls) See that pretty girl in that mirror there, (What mirror, where?)
Who can that attractive girl be? (Which, what, where, whom?)
Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress, such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!
I feel stunning and entrancing, feel like running and dancing for joy
For I'm loved by a pretty wonderful boy


Everyone is nervous, waiting for the big fight. Everyone except Maria and Tony. They are waiting only to see each other.


VOICE ONE: The gangs meet for the fight. Tony has promised Maria that he will try to stop it. As he does, the action suddenly turns violent. Tony's friend Riff and Bernardo begin fighting each other with knives.


In a moment, Tony's friend Riff is dead -- killed by the brother of the woman Tony loves. Not thinking, Tony strikes back. He kills Bernardo. The gangs run away. Tony stands in horror over the bodies of his friend and Maria's brother.


VOICE TWO: Maria knows nothing of what has happened. Then Chino, the man she is supposed to marry, goes to her apartment. He tells Maria that her lover has killed her brother. Chino gets a gun. He goes to search for Tony, to kill him.

Maria is praying when Tony climbs in the window of her room. Tony explains that he did not mean to kill her brother. He asks her to forgive him. She does.

Together, Tony and Maria imagine a life free of group hatred. The walls of Maria's room move away, and they dance. For a brief time, Tony and Maria are "somewhere" -- in the peaceful place they imagine. But they both know there will now be war between the gangs.


VOICE ONE: Tony must hurry away when Maria's friend Anita comes in. Anita is mourning Bernardo, whom she loved. She is angry with Maria for loving Tony. Anita tells Maria that "a boy like that" -- not her own kind -- will only cause her pain. The part of Anita is sung by Chita Rivera.



A boy like that who'd kill your brother,
Forget that boy and find another,
One of your own kind,
Stick to your own kind!

A boy like that will give you sorrow,
You'll meet another boy tomorrow,
One of your own kind,
Stick to your own kind!

A boy who kills cannot love,
A boy who kills has no heart.
And he's the boy who gets your love
And gets your heart.
Very smart, Maria, very smart!

A boy like that wants one thing only,
And when he's done, he'll leave you lonely.
He'll murder your love;
He murdered mine.
Just wait and see,
Just wait, Maria,
Just wait and see!


Finally, Maria makes Anita understand that she loves Tony, even though he has killed Bernardo.



I have a love, and it's all that I have.
Right or wrong, what else can I do?
I love him; I'm his,
And everything he is
I am, too.
I have a love, and it's all that I need,
Right or wrong, and he needs me, too.
I love him, we're one;
There's nothing to be done,
Not a thing I can do
But hold him, hold him forever,
Be with him now, tomorrow
And all of my life!


VOICE TWO: Anita goes to the Jets' hiding place to warn Tony that the police are looking for him. But the Jets are cruel to her and will not listen to her. They treat her so badly that, finally, she tells a lie in anger. Anita says Maria is dead, killed by Chino. Tony runs into the street, calling for Chino to come kill him, too.


VOICE ONE: Maria appears. She and Tony hold each other for a moment. There is a shot. Chino has found them. Tony is hit by the bullet. He dies in the street as Maria holds him.

The play has ended sadly, but with some hope: together, the Jets and two Sharks carry Tony's body away. We end with "Somewhere," sung by Carol Lawrence.


There's a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us
There's a time for us,
Some day a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to look, time to care,
Some day!
We'll find a new way of living,
We'll find a way of forgiving
Somewhere . . .
There's a place for us,
A time and place for us.
Hold my hand and we're halfway there.
Hold my hand and I'll take you there
Some day,


VOICE TWO: Our program was produced by Caty Weaver. I'm Shirley Griffith.

VOICE ONE: And I'm Steve Ember. You can download archives of our programs at voaspecialenglish.com. Join us again next week for THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English.


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